Last updated: 2020-04-28

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File Version Author Date Message
Rmd 3a2f5d9 DBomber60 2020-04-28 u
html 457c931 DBomber60 2020-04-27 Build site.
Rmd 988796f DBomber60 2020-04-27 yo
html b9725de DBomber60 2020-04-27 Build site.
Rmd dfde6d8 DBomber60 2020-04-27 hi
html da38a3d DBomber60 2020-04-27 Build site.
Rmd 2fe85d2 DBomber60 2020-04-27 hi
html 66f5f07 DBomber60 2020-04-27 Build site.
Rmd e71bda3 DBomber60 2020-04-27 hi
html b1febd3 DBomber60 2020-04-25 Build site.
Rmd e5a3a25 DBomber60 2020-04-25 u
Rmd a847f09 DBomber60 2020-04-25 u
html a847f09 DBomber60 2020-04-25 u
html 5d743d6 DBomber60 2020-04-07 Build site.
Rmd 457280d DBomber60 2020-04-07 hierarchy
html edf060d DBomber60 2020-04-06 Build site.
Rmd a3a9fc4 DBomber60 2020-04-06 para
html daeaf75 DBomber60 2020-04-06 Build site.
Rmd f139f32 DBomber60 2020-04-06 init
html befc64c DBomber60 2020-04-06 Build site.
Rmd e28a21b DBomber60 2020-04-06 test

Motivating Question

Suppose we have results from several experiments on the effect of a certain drug. How should we use this data to estimate the drug’s effect? What is the error of the estimate?

This is a specific example of a much more general question: how do we incorporate the results of scientific research into our own research?

To make this concrete, let us consider the following data set regarding the effect of a drug.

Study effect sigma
Study a 28 15
Study b 8 10
Study c -3 16
Study d 7 11
Study e -1 9
Study f 1 11
Study g 18 10
Study h 12 18

Option A

Choose the best study. Clearly this is not optimal since you are not making use of the information you have; however, very smart people choose this option all the time.

Option B

Use some results from statistics class.

Our data consists of \((\bar{y}_j, \sigma_j)\) for \(j \in 1,...,J\), where \(\bar{y}_j\) is the mean effect from experiment \(j\), and \(\sigma_j\) its standard error. Let us consider the following two models,

\[\begin{align} \text{Model 1: }\bar{y}_j &\underset {ind}{\sim} N(\mu, \sigma_j) \\ \text{Model 2: }\bar{y}_j &\underset {ind}{\sim} N(\theta_j, \sigma_j) \end{align}\]

Conceptually, Model 1 assumes that each experiment provides an independent estimate of the drug’s true effect, \(\mu\). Under this model, we can obtain an estimator \(\hat{\mu}\) by maximizing the likelihood of our data. The variance can be derived similarly, leading to:

\[\begin{align} \hat{\mu} &= \underset{\mu}{\arg\max} \prod_j (2 \pi \sigma_j^2)^{-1/2} \exp \bigg(- \frac{( \bar{y}_j -\mu )^2 }{2 \sigma_j^2} \bigg) \\ &= \frac{\sum_j \bar{y}_j/ \sigma_j^2 }{\sum_j 1/ \sigma_j^2} \end{align}\]
mu_hat_pooled = sum(effect/sigma^2)/sum(1/sigma^2) # 7.7
sigma_hat_pooled = (1/sum(1/sigma^2))^.5 # 4.1

This seems okay. However, because the experimental conditions, for example the age or other attributes of the test subjects, length of the experiment and so on, are likely to affect the results, it does not feel right to assume the are no differences at all between the groups - an assumption we make by assuming a common \(\mu\). In statistician jargon, we would like to acknowledge the unobserved heterogeneity across groups (experiments).

While we are uncomfortable treating the effect parameter estimated by each experiment as being exactly equal (\(\mu\)), it also does not seem right to treat them as independent parameters, which would be the implied assumption under the Model 2.

To further illustrate the problems with these approaches, consider the following statements:

  1. The probability that the true effect in A is less than \(7.7\) is \(1/2\) (implied by Model 1).
  2. The probability that the true effect in A is greater than \(28.4\) is \(1/2\) (implied by Model 2).

Is there a middle ground?

Option C

Hierarchical modelling!

The idea is to break the model down into smaller, easier understood pieces (levels). When put together, these levels describe the joint distribution of data and parameters in a more realistic way. In this case, we can think about study level parameters on one level (i.e., we can denote \(\theta_j\) as the true effect of study \(j\)) and the the sampling distribution of the study-specific data on another level. Furthermore, we can assume the study parameters are a sample from an underlying population distribution, and the variance of this population distribution, which is estimated from the data, determines how much the parameters of the sampling distribution are shrunk towards the common mean.

\[\begin{align} \theta_j &\sim N(\mu, \tau) \\ \bar{y}_j \vert \theta_j &\sim N(\theta_j, \sigma_j) \end{align}\]

In order to make this hierarchical model a Bayesian hierarchical model, we also specify a prior distribution for the hyperparameters, \(p(\mu, \tau)\). A key conceptual difference between this model setup and those in Option B is the treatment of parameters \((\theta_1,...,\theta_J,\mu,\tau)\) as random variables. This is the defining characteristic of Bayesian statistics. Despite the conceptual newness, this framework subsumes the previous two.

The solid blue line represents the fixed \(\mu\) of Model 1, along with its \(95\%\) confidence band. The red lines are our estimate from the hierarchical model of the true study effects, \(\theta_i\). Although the \(\mu\) confidence interval corresponds pretty well with the blue lines, it is slightly wider.

Research application

Biobot Analytics previously measured sewage concentrations of analytes linked with opioid usage to track overdoses and help inform policy to mitigate this public health crisis. Now, they measure the concentration of the coronavirus in sewage and use this data to estimate the number of infected people, here is their preprint.

Wastewater surveillance may represent a complementary approach to measure the presence and even prevalence of infectious diseases when the capacity for clinical testing is limited.

How are they estimating the number of infected people? This equation:

\[\begin{align*} i_j &= \frac{\text{total virus copies at }WWTP_j \text{ per day}}{\text{expected virus copies per infected person per day}} \\ &= \frac{\text{sample virus conc.$_j$ (copies/mL)} \times \text{flow (mL/day)}}{\underbrace {\text{expected virus copies per infected stool (copies/mL)}}_{V} \times \text{stool (mL/day/person)}} \\ &= \frac {s_j f}{V p} \end{align*}\]

How do we quantify the uncertainty in this estimate? Each term here is subject to a lot of variability. The popular opinion is that \(V\) is the most uncertain term. Fortunately, scientists are doing research on this variable at a crazy speed. Here is one example. How to synthesize all of this work and use it to estimate uncertainty in \(i_j\)? The exact method I just showed with the slight added complexity that \(V\) is not \(\sim N\).

Once you have data across many wastewater treatment plants, how can you combine all of this data? Hierarchical model. Suppose \(\theta\) is the true infection rate across the US and \(K\) is a mapping matrix.

\[\begin{align*} \theta &\sim p(\cdot) \\ i_j | \theta, \epsilon_j &\sim p(f(K(\theta), \epsilon_j) \end{align*}\]


R version 3.6.2 (2019-12-12)
Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin15.6.0 (64-bit)
Running under: macOS Catalina 10.15

Matrix products: default
BLAS:   /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/3.6/Resources/lib/libRblas.0.dylib
LAPACK: /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/3.6/Resources/lib/libRlapack.dylib

[1] en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/C/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8

attached base packages:
[1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base     

other attached packages:
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[17] modelr_0.1.5     readxl_1.3.1     lifecycle_0.1.0  munsell_0.5.0   
[21] gtable_0.3.0     cellranger_1.1.0 rvest_0.3.5      evaluate_0.14   
[25] labeling_0.3     httpuv_1.5.2     fansi_0.4.1      highr_0.8       
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